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Elden Ring Beaten In 20 Minutes Using a ridiculous teleporting glitch
We've seen a few Elden Ring speedruns already, with folks doing things like beating the game without losing a single Elden Ring Items number of times in Lands Between, among other challenge runs. But someone who's been setting records in the world for running FromSoftware's latest Souls-like in the fastest time that they can has returned with a brand new high score.
YouTuber and noted Souls speedrunner Distortion2 has posted a second video of their record-breaking completion time of 18 minutes and 57 seconds. This is insane! This latest version of the game Distortion2 employed a game-breaking exploit called "The Zip,"" which teleports your Tarnished across the map, which lets you avoid entire sections within the game. Based on various posts from the internet, from Reddit to YouTube, it's hard nailing the glitch's timing. In order to do The Zip, you're supposed to keep your eyes on and advance at very specific intervals which makes it difficult to execute in any kind of regularity. There are some auto-hot keys you could utilize to make The Zip a bit easier, but those seem to be PC only.
Aside from making frequent use of The Zip exploit--like employing it to skip from the first Site of Grace to Stormhill's Stormgate in roughly two to three seconds -- the rest of Distortion2's sequence is pretty much familiar to anyone who has participated in Elden Ring or played any of the numerous insane speedruns. Distortion2 zipped through to the Stormgate Site of Grace, in which Melina offers you Torrent, to Liurnia of the Lakes to get a few things like The Icerind Hatchet for the nerfed Hoarfrost Stomp skill, abstaining from almost every person they came in contact with and sparingly using two of them: the Wrong Warp and Zip glitches to navigate to the Lands Between. Distortion2 also employed using the fly Torrent exploit to reach the Academy of Raya Lucaria, which is usually regarded as a shortcut to the Volcano Manor.
They previously held a record of a sub-30 minute timed run that was 28,59 seconds, published on the 14th of March. The time at which they ran that run was their fifth consecutive world record for an "Any percentage" Elden Ring speedrun.
These leaderboards from Elden Ring on have unlocked, and though Distortion2's time isn't recorded however, their sub-20 minute run is by far the fastest in any category. Similar is the case for the Dark Souls-themed speedrunning website with Distortion2's run beats all other competitors. Distortion2 was so committed to this sub-20-minute run, they wrote in the video's description through Twitter in their Twitter account that they "changed the flight and ran a 15-hour stream" in order to be able to run and publish this incredible time.
I enjoy watching other people do incredible feats of gaming. This is why I am a fan of the sport of esports. But this Elden Ring speedruns are becoming too to much cheap Elden Ring Runes. I'm unable to keep up! I'm now anticipating someone to get a glitch from the beginning in the Limgrave region until the final boss, and then finish the game in about I don't know 60 seconds.